Frequently Asked Questions
Dr I have headache for the last few years, what should I do?
Dr I have headache for the last few years, what should I do?
ANS- Headache is a common problem, but there are certain headache which requires attention and expert advice. Your headache seems to be one of them, you need to see a neurosurgeon in your location. As headaches which are severe, frequent , with fits, with weakness, with visual disturbance, with fever can be dangerous and needs complete neurological examination and SOS imaging.
Mrs Deepa, Sangli
What is the best treatment for backache and which operation is good?
ANS- Backache can be due to several causes, and the majority are posture related or work related, and they will subside with rest and medications. But again you need to see an expert like a neurosurgeon. We do certain clinical test and if required certain investigations like x-ray or MRI and based on all of this we divide patients into two types, one requiring surgery and others who don't need surgery. Surgery is now so advanced that we hve a success rate close to 95% with minimal complications. This can be performed with microscope, endoscope. It is individual choice, bit both have a good outcome . so it should be left to the neurosurgeon regarding the choice. Secondly those who donot require surgery can be treated with multiple options including rest, traction,medication,physiotherapy, injections for pain relief, postural advice,rehabilitation etc.
Dr vishwa, karad
What is the best treatment for stroke/paralysis?
ANS- Stroke is a emergency, it should be understood first. It is any form of weakness or tingling or heaviness, giddiness, imbalance, speech diturbane,vision disturbance,heaviness of tongue etc occurring acutely. Immediate acess to a neurosurgical center a must ,coz if u reach in 3-4 hrs we can reverse. If it is bleeding in brain we can operate and recover , or if it is transient attack we can prevent further attack. Also investigating thoroughly for the cause is important. We r the first to do brain vascular intervention in Kolhapur and have successfully treated several patients and saved their life. The best is reaching to the right place at right time, as TIME IS BRAIN.
Mr pandharinath, Kolhapur
Can a brain tumor be operated , what r the latest methods ?
ANS- Brain tumors can very well be operated with excellent results. The reason being microscopic neurosurgery, as we the next generation , young neurosurgeons are trained with microscope, endoscope, computer and other devices which will help in surgery. With the fine skills, new and latest equipments, gadgets these tumors are removed easily. It depends on location, vascularity,and histopathology of the tumor. If it is deeply located u may have to use microscope, if it is vascular u may have to embolize it, sometimes we use real time navigation (which I use for some tumors) to localize the tumors. We also do awake surgery to limit the disability. So lot of new things to help successful removal of brain tumors.
Mr Patil, Kolhapur
What is subarachnoid haemorrhage/ aneurysm, how is it treated?
ANS- subarachnoid haemorrhage is brain haemorrhage due to rupture of aneurysm or AV malformation or some rare causes, it causes intense headache with neck pain. And needs immediate attention by a neurosurgeon, and a ct scan. After the cause is found out, like aneurysm or AVM it needs to be treated early as it can bleed again and can be life threatening. We can now treat these vascular problems with interventions , without surgery also. And some of them with surgery. We r the first to perform several of aneurysm clipping and coiling and AVM EMBOLISATION in Kolhapur.
Mr Rajgire, Kolhapur
who is the best doctor for brain and spine diseases?
ANS- one who works sincierly and genuinely for the patients well being
Mr Kale,Belgaum
Where should a accident patient be taken?
ANS- Accident patients will die mostly due to head injury, and to improve their survival we need to take them to trauma centers, important things are immediate , and regular monitoring by neurosurgeon, timely intervention by neurosurgeon, fascility for ct scan , and a good ICU are some of the most important things.
Mr Kale,Belgaum